Channel: How can I validate an email address using a regular expression? - Stack Overflow
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Answer by Tim Wißmann for How can I validate an email address using a regular...

For my purpose, I needed a way to also extract a display name if provided.Thanks to the other answers and the regex provided on https://emailregex.com/ I came up with the following...

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Answer by Craig for How can I validate an email address using a regular...

Yet another option we have is to use DataAnnotations which has an EmailAddressAttribute. This can not only be applied to the property of a class but can also leveraged at runtime.using...

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Answer by GooDeeJAY for How can I validate an email address using a regular...

Regex that I use:[\w-+]+([.][\w]+)?@[\w-+]+([.][a-z]{2,})+

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Answer by alejandro juarez for How can I validate an email address using a...

If you need a simple form to validate, you can use the answer of https://regexr.com/3e48o^[\w-\.]+@([\w-]+\.)+[\w-]{2,4}$let r = new RegExp(String.raw `^[\w-\.]+@([\w-]+\.)+[\w-]{2,4}$`);//should be...

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Answer by Andriy B. for How can I validate an email address using a regular...

This simple pattern works for me:^(?<name>[^<>#()\.,;\s@\"]{1,})@(?<domain>[^<>#()\.,;\s@\"]{2,}\.(?<top>[^<>#()\.,;:\s@\"]{2,}))$

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Answer by awwright for How can I validate an email address using a regular...

The regular expression for an email address is:/^("(?:[!#-\[\]-\u{10FFFF}]|\\[\t...

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Answer by Asad Ali Choudhry for How can I validate an email address using a...

Although very detailed answers are already added, I think those are complex enough for a developer who is just looking for a simple method to validate an email address or to get all email addresses...

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Answer by partoftheorigin for How can I validate an email address using a...

Writing a regular expression for all the things will take a lot of effort. Instead, you can use pyIsEmail package.Below text is taken from pyIsEmail website.pyIsEmail is a no-nonsense approach for...

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Answer by Dave Black for How can I validate an email address using a regular...

According to RFC 2821 and RFC 2822, the local-part of an email addresses may use any of these ASCII characters: Uppercase and lowercare lettersThe digits 0 through 9 The characters,...

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Answer by Hany Sakr for How can I validate an email address using a regular...

I converted the code into Java to match the compilerString pattern...

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Answer by Simon_Weaver for How can I validate an email address using a...

Just about every RegEx I've seen - including some used by Microsoft will not allow the following valid email to get through : simon-@hotmail.comJust had a real customer with an email address in this...

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Answer by Prassd Nidode for How can I validate an email address using a...

List itemI use this function function checkmail($value){ $value = trim($value); if( stristr($value,"@") && stristr($value,".") && (strrpos($value, ".") - stripos($value, "@") > 2)...

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Answer by FlameStorm for How can I validate an email address using a regular...

For me the right way for checking emails is:Check that symbol @ exists, and before and after it there are some non-@ symbols: /^[^@]+@[^@]+$/Try to send an email to this address with some "activation...

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Answer by syp_dino for How can I validate an email address using a regular...

I found a nice article, which says that the best way to validate e-mail address is the regular expression /.+@.+\..+/i.

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Answer by SIslam for How can I validate an email address using a regular...

I did not find any that deals with a top-level domain name, but it should be considered.So for me the following...

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Answer by Luna for How can I validate an email address using a regular...

The HTML5 spec suggests a simple regex for validating email...

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Answer by Ondřej Šotek for How can I validate an email address using a...

For PHP I'm using email address validator from Nette Framework - http://api.nette.org/2.3.3/source-Utils.Validators.php.html#234-247/* public static */ function isEmail($value){ $atom =...

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Answer by Ramesh Kotkar for How can I validate an email address using a...

You can use following regular Expression for any email...

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Answer by Prasad Bhosale for How can I validate an email address using a...

Following is the regular expression for validating email address^.+@\w+(\.\w+)+$

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Answer by zıəs uɐɟəʇs for How can I validate an email address using a regular...

As mentioned already, you can't validate an email with a regex. However, here's what we currently use to make sure user-input isn't totally bogus (forgetting the TLD etc.).This regex will allow IDN...

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Answer by sunleo for How can I validate an email address using a regular...

Java Mail API does magic for us.try { InternetAddress internetAddress = new InternetAddress(email); internetAddress.validate(); return true; } catch(Exception ex) { return false; }I got this from here

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Answer by McGaz for How can I validate an email address using a regular...

The regular expressions posted in this thread are out of date now because of the new generic top level domains (gTLDs) coming in (e.g. .london, .basketball, .通販). To validate an email address there are...

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Answer by Fragment for How can I validate an email address using a regular...

Had to mention, that nearly has been added new domain "yandex". Possible emails: test@job.yandex. And also uppercase letters supported, so a bit modified version of acrosman solution...

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Answer by Suhaib Janjua for How can I validate an email address using a...

I always use the below regular expression to validate the email address. This is the best regex I have ever seen to validate email...

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Answer by Francisco Costa for How can I validate an email address using a...

^[_a-zA-Z0-9-]+(\.[_a-zA-Z0-9-]+)*@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+(\.[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)*\.(([0-9]{1,3})|([a-zA-Z]{2,3})|(aero|coop|info|museum|name))$This matches 99.99% of email addresses, including some of the newer...

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Answer by Rinke for How can I validate an email address using a regular...

Quick answerUse the following regex for input validation:([-!#-'*+/-9=?A-Z^-~]+(\.[-!#-'*+/-9=?A-Z^-~]+)*|"([]!#-[^-~ \t]|(\\[\t...

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Answer by TombMedia for How can I validate an email address using a regular...

I've been using this touched up version of your regex for a while and it hasn't left me with too many surprises. I've never encountered an apostrophe in an email yet so it doesn't validate that. It...

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Answer by Prasad for How can I validate an email address using a regular...

If you are fine with accepting empty values (which is not an invalid email) and are running PHP 5.2+, I would suggest:static public function checkEmail($email, $ignore_empty = false) { if($ignore_empty...

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Answer by SimonSimCity for How can I validate an email address using a...

As you're writing in PHP I'd advice you to use the PHP build-in validation for emails.filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)If you're running a PHP version lower than 5.3.6, please be aware of this...

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Answer by AZ_ for How can I validate an email address using a regular...

According to the official standard, RFC 2822, a valid email regex...

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Answer by Evan Carroll for How can I validate an email address using a...

This regex is from Perl's Email::Valid library. I believe it to be the most accurate, and it matches all 822. And, it is based on the regular expression in the O'Reilly book:Regular expression built...

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Answer by SLaks for How can I validate an email address using a regular...

You should not use regular expressions to validate email addresses.Instead, in C# use the MailAddress class, like this:try { address = new MailAddress(address).Address;} catch(FormatException) { //...

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Answer by Greg Bacon for How can I validate an email address using a regular...

For a vivid demonstration, the following monster is pretty good, but it still does not correctly recognize all syntactically valid email addresses: it recognizes nested comments up to four levels...

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Answer by Dominic Sayers for How can I validate an email address using a...

[UPDATED] I've collated everything I know about email address validation here: http://isemail.info, which now not only validates but also diagnoses problems with email addresses. I agree with many of...

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Answer by davcar for How can I validate an email address using a regular...

The email addresses I want to validate are going to be used by an ASP.NET web application using the System.Net.Mail namespace to send emails to a list of people.So, rather than using some very complex...

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Answer by JacquesB for How can I validate an email address using a regular...

This question is asked a lot, but I think you should step back and ask yourself why you want to validate email adresses syntactically? What is the benefit really?It will not catch common typos.It does...

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Answer by adnam for How can I validate an email address using a regular...

Cal Henderson (Flickr) wrote an article called Parsing Email Addresses in PHP and shows how to do proper RFC (2)822-compliant email address parsing.You can also get the source code in PHP, Python, and...

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Answer by PhiLho for How can I validate an email address using a regular...

There is not one which is really usable. I discuss some issues in my answer to Is there a PHP library for email address validation?, it is discussed also in Is regular expression recognition of an...

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Answer by Andy Lester for How can I validate an email address using a regular...

It all depends on how accurate you want to be. For my purposes, where I'm just trying to keep out things like bob @ aol.com (spaces in emails) or steve (no domain at all) or mary@aolcom (no period...

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Answer by bortzmeyer for How can I validate an email address using a regular...

The fully RFC 822 compliant regex is inefficient and obscure because of its length. Fortunately, RFC 822 was superseded twice and the current specification for email addresses is RFC 5322. RFC 5322...

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Answer by Draemon for How can I validate an email address using a regular...

There are plenty examples of this out on the Internet (and I think even one that fully validates the RFC - but it's tens/hundreds of lines long if memory serves).People tend to get carried away...

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Answer by Chris Vest for How can I validate an email address using a regular...

I don't know about best, but this one is at least correct, as long as the addresses have their comments stripped and replaced with white space.Seriously. You should use an already-written library for...

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Answer by Per Hornshøj-Schierbeck for How can I validate an email address...

I use^\w+([-+.']\w+)*@\w+([-.]\w+)*\.\w+([-.]\w+)*$Which is the one used in ASP.NET by the RegularExpressionValidator.

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How can I validate an email address using a regular expression?

Over the years I have slowly developed a regular expression that validates most email addresses correctly, assuming they don't use an IP address as the server part.I use it in several PHP programs, and...

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Answer by Eggon for How can I validate an email address using a regular...

I'd like to propose my approach which is relatively simple while ensuring proper email structure and restricting forbidden characters. Valid for latin...

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Answer by ThinkTrans for How can I validate an email address using a regular...

The question title is fairly generic, however the body of the question indicates that it is about the PHP based solution. Will try to address both.Generically speaking, for all programming...

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Answer by Aman Godara for How can I validate an email address using a regular...

if you are looking to check against a simple format: xxx@xxx.xxx or xxx.xxx@xxx.xxx/^[^.\s@]+(\.[^.\s@]+)*@[^.\s@]+(\.[^.\s@]+)+$/exact format used: ^x(.x)*@x(.x)+$x any non-empty string without...

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Answer by Thejaka for How can I validate an email address using a regular...

This answer largely and directly addresses multiple issues in the currently highest upvoted answer.This answer also reinterprets and optimizes the regex as used in WebKit for example, for the Email...

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Answer by bravo for How can I validate an email address using a regular...

We get a more practical implementation of RFC 5322 if we omit IP addresses, domain-specific addresses, the syntax using double quotes and square brackets. It will still match 99.99% of all email...

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Answer by Mark Stewart for How can I validate an email address using a...

For oracle database, version 23+, there is a built-in Usage Domain name email_d which uses the regex^([a-zA-Z0-9!#$%&*+=?^_`{|}~-]+(\.[ A-Za-z0-9!#$%&*+=?^_`{|}~-]+)*)@(([...

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